
An easy to use, stable desktop operating system

Download deskOS Learn more

size: 2.5 GB
sha256: 63acbd118a0ac8d6a9ce46da3d03d5b8265130c5eb55dfef4d1f1d30f718dbb4

System requirements
  • Modern 64-bit hardware (x86 Intel UEFI)
  • 64 GB storage
  • 4 GB RAM


An operating system that gets out of your way
No intrusive, blocking system updates or forced computer restarts. No ads, telemetry or spyware.
Simplicity is key
Just enough OS to perform basic tasks, browse the web and access web applications. Additional software can easily be installed via Flatpak.
Built on a stable base
deskOS is based on NixOS to provide a stable and secure base for your system.